I am Iman Refaat
a human being who strives to leave a legacy.
I am passionate about learning and teaching
And I so much believe in synergizing with my team members to elevate our community..
I enjoy reading and writing
And I am in the flow state teaching others how to lead themselves..
How to live by design and how to improve their life skills…
How to truly succeed and leave a legacy in their communities..
I am Iman Refaat
A Certified Meta-Coach and Mars Venus Certified Coach..
I am an APG and NLP practitioner
I enjoyed being an educator for nearly two decades
Working in the top IB school in Egypt
I taught students from all age groups, from kindergarten to high school.
I worked behind the walls of classrooms
And served in suburban districts with my students
In the frame of our community and service projects
Leading my students in personal projects and services experiences
I witnessed their world of potential and became an advocate for human capabilities..
2017 was a turning point
in my career,
I made a shift from the field of education to help profession..
I started offering coaching, training and mentoring services to women and youth..
Aiming and dreaming in offering to the world a united team of compassionate human beings, who lovingly strive to elevate their communities.
I am the author of Fabulous Veils, a novel inspired from true stories of Egyptian women’s everyday lives. My book is the flame of the social revival I am leading and in it I reveal the different facets of inequality and discrimination females encounter in my beloved country Egypt.
I am married to H. Mokhtar
We have a son and a daughter
And an adorable Cocker Spaniel.
We live in Giza, Egypt.
In my spare time I like to read, write, cycle, run, swim, travel and try new experiences..!
I like to live, love, enjoy my beloved ones as a human being and a sincere humble servant on Earth!
“H.Mokhtar is a certified Mars Venus life and relationship coach. Mokhtar has a MA degree in international education from the university of Bath – UK and has been working in the education field for 20 years. He is a steel structures engineer who preferred, after years of working on steel structures, to work on human structures. Mokhtar has been happily married since 1997 and has two wonderful young adults. On a personal level, he passed through all the family-building challenges. Working in the field of education as well as his continuous inquiry established strong based knowledge that reflected on and deepened his experience in coaching. Mokhtar summaries the need for coaching in a simple sentence: “Many know how chess pieces move but not so many know how to play chess.””
Cherry Refaat, certified Mars Venus Life coach,has made it a life mission to make the world a better place. One person at a time and one relation at a time. Our relation with ourselves is the most important relation we will ever have and it sets the tone for every other relationship we have.
Cherry teaches women how to build a healthy and loving relation with themselves. Going from self-sabotage to self- love.
Helping women to heal from the past, enjoy the present, find their true-self to feel happy within.
Through workshops, one-to-one coaching sessions and group coaching programs, is where Cherry teaches women how to get in touch with their feelings and emotions and connect to their true-self.
Each and every woman at her pace, all from within.
Cherry is a Certified Mars Venus Life Coach – under Mars Venus school founded and owned by John Gray the author of many top bestselling books and the bestselling series of Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus.
PSE Programs Facilitator
Gihan Ghali
Certified Bullet Journaling Trainer
خريجة كلية أداب قسم إجتماع وحاصلة علي دبلومة دارسات إسلامية ودبلوم إعداد دعاة. جيهان محبة للعلم بكل فروعة ، درست علم نفس وتنمية ذات وتنمية مهارات وإدارة وقت وتخطيط وتدريب، بالإضافة لدورات علوم شرعية وديكور وفنون وكتابة. جيهان تؤمن أن مع الحماس والرغبة والسعي في الحياة لامستحيل لتحقيق الاهداف والاحلام والامنيات. تتمنى ان تنشر من حولها الحب والسعادة والبهجة والتفاؤل والاطمئنان وهي تقدم كل جهدها لمساعدة من يحتاج دعم ومساعدة من خلال ما تعلمته خلال سنوات دراستها وحياتها وخبراتها وتجاربها.
Bullet Journaling Certified Trainers
Faten Zayd
فاتن زيد يمنية الاصل تقيم بالسويد، تعمل كممرضة ولديها قناة على منصة اليوتيوب . تحب الرسم وقراءة الكتب وخاصه الكتب التي تتحدث عن العقل والذاكرة .هدفها وحلمها مساعدة المراة الاربعينية في بناء مساحة هادئة للاستمتاع وتحقيق اهدافها. فاتن تحب ان تكون مصدر الهام للاخرين .
قناة اليوتيوب
Doaa Ali
Career Coach Services Provider,
Trainer and L&D Consultant
Doaa works as a Career Services Provider and leading training consultant. She helps people to find different career pathways to achieve the equation of ultimate career choice: success & satisfaction. Doaa works with individuals experiencing major life transitions, looking to enhance their career and job performance. “Catch, Craft, Commit, and Connect “with their Career Plan the participants.
Contact her at:
Doaa Rashad Al-Roubi
A Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and a Certified Trainer from the Higher Institute for Arab Studies.
Doaa strives to live a good, balanced life and to convey this meaning to every person in her circles. She aims to empower others to live the life of their dreams.
Contact her at:
Nermeen Mohamed
An employee at the Egyptian Customs Authority, in the research and development department. Attending the Bullet Journaling Program, Nermeen felt a spark ignites within.
She decided to become a certified trainer. She made it one of her goals to help women, especially working moms, find balance in their lives and see the world through new lens, by adopting a growth planning mentality. Nermeen believes that the last mile is the least crowded.
Shaimaa Elsherif
شيماء الشريف، عملت في مجال الموارد البشرية واستمتعت بمساعدة غيرها في تخطي مشاكلهم. عملت في مجال إدارة الجودة وتعلمت قيمة النظام والتخطيط. تقدم ورش عمل متخصصة في مجال التخطيط لإدارة الموارد المالية وتسديد الديون وضبط الميزانيات وتتبع المصروفات وتوفر بدائل عملية للانتقال من الديون الى الادخار والاستثمار.
PSE Products Designer
Omnia Rafie
Product Designer
When it comes to jelly cola or fries I am an expert and when it comes to design I am skilled! I am Omnia Rafie, the BULLET freelancer designer and producer.
Youth Team
Heads of Committees
Alaa Amr
Head of Marketing Committee
Hello I'm Alaa & I'm the Marketing Committee Head at Paradigm Shift Youth Egypt.
Engy El Bastawisy
Head of Logistics Committee
Hi, I’m Engy El Bastawisy, Head of logistics and Bullet in Service Youth coordinator. I'm a Business Accounting student at AUC. By enrolling in the Bullet course I discovered a lot of potentials and strengths that took my life to a very exciting level.
Giving a chance to lead events, getting the best offers from suppliers, providing all material needed for camps & events, that's a summary of what I learned through working in the team and still developing.
Of course I could not have accomplished anything without learning from the most knowledgeable previous logistics head and team leader. And now it is my turn to build a new leader as I recognize myself lucky to have the most hardworking logistics members in my committee.
If you are reading this now do not ever hesitate to join the Bullet community I guarantee that it would be a life changing step for you. Waiting for you to take your life to the next successful step.
Malak Mokhtar
Head of Entertainment Committee
My aim is to narrow the gap between people coming from different backgrounds and having different lifestyles. My aim is to allow people to communicate with each other in whatever way they like. My aim is to diminish the possible awkwardness between human beings when they first encounter. My aim is to make poeple comfortable in their own skin and confident in presenting who they are and what they want out of their life. I believe that through games we get to know each other better as well as discover new things about ourselves. If you ever meet me then be ready to get out of your comfort zone, have fun, meet new people.
Nourane Waleed
Head of Development Committee
Head of Development Committee at Paradigm Shift Egypt.
Salma Mohamed
Freelancers Committee Head
I’m Salma Mohamed and I love smiles and spreading positivity! I find it essential to always believe in yourself, no matter where you are on your journey to success. I believe in making an impact and I love doing community service projects.
I’m so grateful to be a part of this wonderful bullet family, and I truly enjoy collaborating with such amazing people to promote positive change and development!
Youth Team
Mohamed Sherif
PSE Youth Coordinator
Hi I'm Mohamad Sherif, Paradigm Shift Youth Coordinator. After joining the BULLET teens program my life turned around 180 degrees to the better. After joining the team, my aim became to spread that change into teens’ lives so can't wait to see you!
Mohamed Hossam
Development Committee Senior
I'm Mohamed Hossam, from the development committee, and my goal with BULLET is to break free from my comfort zones and inspire others to do the same.
My enjoyment comes from immersing myself in diverse situations that challenge my versatility, creativity, and innovation. That's why my absolute favorite event of the year is the BULLET Teen Camp, where I get to witness my goal coming to life in a safe and fun environment as everyone, including myself, embraces new experiences and personal growth.
Youth Team
Ahmed Hossam
Entertainment Committee Deputy
I’m Ahmed Hossam from the Entertainment committee, My aim in the BULLET community is to give people a lifetime experience that let them develop and always remember it. My favorite event of the year is the BULLET teens camp, as it becomes a core memory full of joy and fun for me and the BULLET members.
Mariam Dewedar
Development Committee Deputy
Hi I am Mariam Dewedar, I am an Architecture student and a member of the development committee in paradigm shift. I started as a freelancer when I was in grade 10 at school and then was promoted to be part of the development committee , which is responsible for organizing events that help teenagers in different aspects.
Going back to the time, joining this community might be one of the best decisions I have made in my life as a teenager, because it helped me to grow to a better version of myself and made me experience many activities at an early age.
I should mention also that being a part of this community gave me one of the greatest privileges and it is to community service. It is an experience like no other.
Youth Team
Dania El Sahli
Development Committee Member
I’m Dania Ahmed. The BULLET Teens camp is a highlight for me, as it's filled with positivity and smiles.
Fatema Sherif
Entertainment Committee Member
Hello ! My name is Fatemah Sherif :D
A member of the entertainment committee in Paradigm Shift Egypt. In addition to me having fun playing my role, my goal is to make all our events enjoyable and help everyone make amazing unforgettable memories.
Salma Amgad
Youth Team Joker
Hello, I’m Salma Amgd I’m a joker in the 4 committees at paradigm shift Egypt , by entering the Bullet community I discovered many secrets about Myself and about my personality. I realised that I really like serving others who are in need, and also that I really enjoy participating in any committee as I like helping in Marketing committee as I design post, sharing in events organisation, preparing games or activities and many other things .
My aim is to bring happiness to every new member in the community and also give them encouragement and support.
really by joining this community you will gain a second family that always support you . And I am really grateful that I am a part of this community.
Toka Taha
Logistics Committee Member
I am Toka Taha from the logistics committee. My goal with the Bullet is to try and help in organizing the events so that people can enjoy their time peacefully without having to worry about anything in a good environment.
Also, I love socializing with people and getting to know new ones and helping to make them comfortable by a little chat or a smile. Being a reason even if a little for someone to remember a day i was in just automatically makes me happy.
Just by participating in any event as hard as it may seem to organize it but when the day comes seeing you all going home happy makes me recharged again.
Sarah Walid
Public Relations Coordinator